St Joseph, St Nicholas and St Thomas More RC Churches Gloucestershire

St Joseph, St Nicholas and St Thomas More RC Churches Gloucestershire

If you need a priest urgently:

If you need to contact a priest urgently, in the case of severe ill health, the Presbytery number is 01242 437525. and you will be able to leave a voicemail.

The parishes administration office is in Tewkesbury, tel: 01684 293273 and is staffed by Administrator Chris Davies Monday – Thursday mornings.


All parishioners across our cluster are invited to join in with the prayer sessions at St Thomas More Church during Lent. These take place from 7pm to 9.30pm each Tuesday and use the booklet advertised below and obtainable through Clifton Diocese.

A Message from our Priest

Remembering and celebrating Our Lord’s Sacrifice

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Risen Lord,

Today the Church’s proclamation echoes throughout the world: ‘Jesus Christ is risen!’ – ‘He is truly risen, May Jesus Christ, who has already defeated death and opened for us the way to eternal salvation, dispel the darkness of our human suffering and lead us into the light of his glorious day, a day that knows no end,”.

In a special way let us remember the world leaders to work for the common good and to provide the means for everyone to lead a dignified and meaningful life. May the risen Lord grant hope to all the poor, to those living on the peripheries, the housebound, the refugees and the homeless.” The resurrection of Lord Christ is “the victory of love over the root of evil and also transforming evil into good: this is the unique hallmark of the power of Risen Lord”. Happy Easter !   Fr. Joby Lukose


All three parishes worked hard during 2023, raising a grand total of £6,000 for the completion of a new church building in the parish of Soweto.

As well as second collections, all three churches put on fun events and sales to collect funds – sponsored walks, Coffee mornings, Produce sales, Fish and Chip suppers, Quiz Evenings, and a Race Night at Tewkesbury to see us over the line. Well done to all!

Hopefully we shall soon be able to post a picture of the building works and the completed church late 2024