St Joseph, St Nicholas and St Thomas More RC Churches Gloucestershire


Catholic Schools

The school designated by the Diocese for children in the parish of St Joseph’s Tewkesbury is St Thomas More Primary in Cheltenham.

a future full of hope

If you have a child coming up to school age please visit the website for full information and to arrange a visit with the Headteacher :

Please ask for a printed copy of the Admissions Policy for 2025-2026 from the parish office if you are a parent/guardian looking ahead for child(ren) due to start school next year.

Schools in the St Thomas More parish:

Clifton Diocese logo

All Saints’ Academy, Blaisdon Way, Cheltenham,GL51 0WH
Telephone: 01242 711200
E-mail: [email protected]

First Holy Communion and Confirmation

Please visit St Gregory the Great Cheltenham website for information on the sacramental programmes planned for this year.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

The RCIA Journey in Faith is the process by which adults who are not Catholics are welcomed into the Christian family in the Catholic Church.  This process is sometimes called ‘Journey in Faith’, as participants grow into a particular Catholic community or parish.  You may know someone who could be interested in joining the deanery Journey in Faith course that takes place at Sacred Hearts, Cheltenham normally beginning each September.

Perhaps you are married to a non-Catholic and your spouse wishes to find out more about the faith? Perhaps you are already a Catholic and wish to grow more into your faith, or perhaps you are just thinking about becoming a Catholic? If so, then the RCIA Journey in Faith is for you.  Please contact Chris Davies in the parish office at Tewkesbury by phone 01684 293273 or send an email with your contact information if you wish to receive further details and/or an application form. 

Please note that the course is delivered on Thursday evenings at 6.45pm.  There are two sessions each month and it is essential that all application forms are returned to Father Mark Moran at Sacred Hearts, Charlton Kings in good time.

Marriage Preparation

For useful information please click on the link below. To book a date for a wedding at St Joseph’s please contact Chris Davies in the first instance. 01684 293273. Father Joby would ordinarily minister at weddings in our parish and will meet with couples initially in Winchcombe Presbytery and prepare them using a wealth of available resources in our parish.