Come and enjoy Carols
Carols at St Nicholas church Chandos street on Sunday 15th December 2024 at 4.00pm. Bring your family, friends and your voices. Enjoy singing with our nativity scene.

Patronal feast day for St Nicholas Sunday 1st December
Fr Joby would like as many parishioners as possible to join in after Mass the sharing lunch.
Harvest festival
Sunday 22nd September 2024

Monday 26th August, it’s the Winchcombe show
St Nicholas has a stall at the show please support if you can.

Thursday 8/824 after 10pm Mass
Tidying St Nicholas church garden, bring your own gloves and tools. All are welcome.
Sunday 23rd June 2024, after Mass BBQ
Organised by the younger members of our congregation everyone welcome, see either Emilys, Gabi or William for more information.

Gardening session
Volunteers required with brushes and gardening tools on Wednesday 3rd April at 2.00pm
Holy Week

Easter coffee morning 2024
Cakes, hot drinks, crafting, raffle and tombola at Winchcombe guide hall 10.00am to 12.00noon Saturday 23rd March.

Our 2023 Christmas crib
This year is the 800th anniversary of the first crib created by St Francis of Assisi.Renee and Ewoud and as many of the children of our parish have created a beautiful crib for us . Thank you ❤️🙏

Three parishes volunteer thank you Mass and bring and share celebration.
Friday 29th October at 6.30pm St Joseph’s Tewksbury our three parishes (St Thomas More, St Joseph’s and St Nicholas) volunteers celebrated a thank you Mass from the church for helping Fr Joby in his role as parish priest. The mass was followed by a bring and share finger buffet. Circa 40 people attended this year’s celebration giving everyone the chance to mix and chat.

Bishop Declan’s visit with Deacon Kevin
Sunday 22nd October 2023 Bishop Declan celebrated Mass at 11.30am at St Nicolas. It was a truly joyous celebration with participation by Deacon Kevin, Fr Joby and many members of the congregation with the bidding prayers and everyone sang, being led by our wonderful musicians. After Mass a finger buffet had been prepared, the sun shone and Bishop Declan and Deacon Kevin took time, mingling with our community listening and sharing stories. Fr Joby then escorted Bishop Declan to visit St James church at Postlip, a gift was given to the Bishop from the congregation, of a book about St James’s church at Postlip to mark his visit to St Nicholas.

Fr Joby has a vision of what he would like for a memorial garden to remember all that have left us in faith. Today the project started with a group of volunteers clearing away existing plants and creating a space for the garden.

A very special evening, a beautiful iservice led by the Dean Fr David for the induction of our Parish Priest Fr Joby. Warm congratulations to you.
So good to see so many parishioners from all three parishes, the clergy from the deanary as well as the new Vicar from Tewkesbury Abbey.
The Liturgy group across all three parishes worked together to ensure the service ran smoothly.
Our musicians were brilliant as always.
Our church looked wonderful, duly cleaned on Thursday, our flower arrangers did a spectacular job of the flowers truly beautiful.
Our brilliant St Nicholas team as always came together providing wonderful food complimented by the amazing Keralan food brought by our friend’s from St Joseph’s ably served by our young people who not only served on the altar but also helped with the serving of the food.
A big thank you to everyone who took part in the service. To all who helped set up, clear up and especially made all feel very welcomed.

Casting the New Bell for St Nicholas
Our new bell is being cast at 2pm on 31/8/23 at John Taylor’s bell foundry Loughborough.

Winchcombe Country Show
A great day raising nearly £600 👏

August Bank Holiday Monday 28/8/23 St Nicholas is hosting a stall to raise funds for our Tanzanian church building project. If you can supply any plants either house or garden or are you good at making jams or chutney please contact Avril, Barbara or Carol. If you are willing to help organise the children’s games (all supplied) please make yourself known and come forward if you spare some time. Thank you.
Grandparents and the Elderly are celebrated in our parish this week – another excuse to eat cake with our coffee!

Pope Francis instituted this Day in 2021 since, he believes, grandparents are often forgotten, yet they “are the link between generations, passing on the experience of life and faith to the young.”

Pilgrimage for the feast of St Kenelm at St Peter’s Church Winchcombe this Saturday 15th June 2023. For more information visit. www. Saint
A report of our activities recently prepared for Churches Together reflecting the vibrancy of our parish
This was a great success, thanks to everyone who helped and attended this social gathering.